Announcement of Publication of Registration Document
This announcement is not a prospectus (or prospectus equivalent) and not an offer of securities for sale nor a solicitation of an offer to acquire or a recommendation to sell or buy securities in any jurisdiction, including in or into the United States, Australia, Canada or Japan.
Neither this announcement, nor anything contained herein, nor anything contained in the Registration Document referred to herein shall form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any offer or commitment whatsoever in any jurisdiction. Investors should not subscribe for or purchase any ordinary shares referred to in this announcement or the Registration Document except on the basis of information contained in a prospectus in its final form (the “Prospectus”) that may be published by Alphawave IP Group plc (the “Company”, and together with Alphawave IP Inc. and their respective subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings, the “Group” or “Alphawave IP”) in due course in connection with the possible admission of its ordinary shares to the standard listing segment of the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority and to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange plc. A copy of any Prospectus published by the Company will, if published, be available for inspection from the Company’s registered office at 6th Floor, 65 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7NQ, United Kingdom and on the Company’s website at
22 April 2021
Alphawave IP Group plc
Announcement of Publication of Registration Document
Further to the announcement by the Company earlier today relating to the expected initial public offering (the “IPO” or the "Offer") of Alphawave IP Group plc, the Company confirms that its Registration Document has been approved by the FCA and has been published. The Registration Document has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available shortly for inspection at A copy is also available online at, subject to certain access restrictions.
Terms used but not defined in this announcement, shall have the meaning given in the expected intention to float announcement published by the Company earlier today.
Alphawave IP
John Lofton Holt (Executive Chairman)
Tony Pialis (President & CEO)
Daniel Aharoni (CFO)
+44 (0) 20 7717 5877
Brunswick Group (public relations adviser to Alphawave IP)
Caroline Daniel
Simone Selzer
Sarah West
Diana Vaughton
+44 (0) 20 7404 5959
Joint Global Co-ordinator and Joint Bookrunner
Tim Luke
Lawrence Jamieson
Andrew Tusa
Jessel Sheth
Dominic Harper
+44 (0) 20 7623 2323
Joint Global Co-ordinator and Joint Bookrunner
J.P. Morgan
Pankaj Goel
Barry Meyers
Bill Hutchings
Beau Freker
Jamie Summer
+44 (0) 20 7742 4000
Joint Bookrunner
BMO Capital Markets
Thomas Rider
Robert Lee
+44 (0) 20 7236 1010
Important Legal Information
The information contained in this announcement is for background purposes only and does not purport to be full or complete, nor does this announcement constitute or form part of any invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity. No reliance may be placed by any person for any purpose on the information contained in this announcement or its accuracy, fairness or completeness. The contents of this announcement are not to be construed as legal, financial or tax advice.
This announcement is not for publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States (including its territories and possessions, any State of the United States and the District of Columbia), Australia, Canada, Japan or any other jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of the relevant laws of such jurisdiction. The distribution of this announcement may be restricted by law in certain jurisdictions and persons into whose possession any document or other information referred to herein comes should inform themselves about and observe any such restriction. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction.
This announcement does not constitute or form a part of any offer or solicitation to purchase or subscribe for, or otherwise invest in, securities to any person in any jurisdiction, including the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan or in any jurisdiction to whom or in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful. The shares referred to herein may not be offered or sold in the United States unless registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”) or offered in a transaction exempt from, or not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act. The possible offer and sale of shares referred to herein has not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act or under the applicable securities laws of Australia, Canada or Japan. Subject to certain exceptions, the shares referred to herein may not be offered or sold in Australia, Canada or Japan or to, or for the account or benefit of, any national, resident or citizen of Australia, Canada or Japan. There will be no public offer of the shares in the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, or elsewhere.
In the United Kingdom, this announcement is being distributed only to, and is directed only at, persons who:
(A) (i) are "investment professionals" specified in Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the "Order") and/or (ii) fall within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order (and only where the conditions contained in those Articles have been, or will at the relevant time be, satisfied);
and (B) are "qualified investors" within the meaning of Article 2 of the Prospectus Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/1129) as it forms part of retained EU law as defined in the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (all such persons together being referred to as "Relevant Persons").
In any member state of the European Economic Area (“EEA”) (each, a “Relevant Member State”), this announcement and any offer if made subsequently is, and will be, directed only at persons who are “qualified investors” (“Qualified Investors”) within the meaning of the Prospectus Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/1129)
This announcement must not be acted on or relied on (i) in the United Kingdom, by persons who are not Relevant Persons, and (ii) in any member state of the EEA, by persons who are not Qualified Investors.
Any investment or investment activity to which this announcement relates is available only to: (i) in the United Kingdom, Relevant Persons; and (ii) in any member state of the EEA, Qualified Investors, and will be engaged in only with such persons.
Each of the Company, Barclays Bank PLC, J.P. Morgan Securities plc and BMO Capital Markets Limited, and their respective affiliates as defined under Rule 501(b) of Regulation D of the Securities Act (“affiliates”), expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update, review or revise any forwardlooking statements contained in this announcement and disclaims any obligation to update its view of any risks or uncertainties described herein or to publicly announce the results of any revisions to the forwardlooking statements made in this announcement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as required by law.
The Registration Document mentioned in this announcement may be combined with a securities note and summary to form a prospectus in accordance with the Prospectus Regulation Rules of the FCA. A prospectus is required before an issuer can offer transferable securities to the public or request the admission of transferable securities to trading on a regulated market. However, the Registration Document referred to in this announcement, where not combined with the securities note and summary to form a prospectus, does not constitute an offer or invitation to sell or issue, or a solicitation of an offer or invitation to purchase or subscribe for, any securities in the Company in any jurisdiction, nor shall the Registration Document alone (or any part of it), or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, or act as any inducement to enter into, any contract or commitment whatsoever with respect to any offer or otherwise. Any subscription or purchase of shares in the possible Offer should be made solely on the basis of information contained in the Prospectus which may be issued by the Company in connection with the possible Offer.
The information in this announcement is subject to change. Before subscribing for or purchasing any shares, persons viewing this announcement should ensure that they fully understand and accept the risks which will be set out in the Prospectus if published. No reliance may be placed for any purpose on the information contained in this announcement or its accuracy or completeness. This announcement shall not, form the basis of or constitute any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for any shares or any other securities nor shall it (or any part of it) or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract therefor.
The Company may decide not to go ahead with the IPO and there is therefore no guarantee that Admission will occur. You should not base your financial decision on this announcement. Acquiring investments to which this announcement relates may expose an investor to a significant risk of losing all of the amount invested.
Persons considering making investments should consult an authorised person specialising in advising on such investments. Neither this announcement, nor the Registration Document referred to herein, constitutes a recommendation concerning a possible offer. The value of shares can decrease as well as increase. Potential investors should consult a professional advisor as to the suitability of a possible offer for the person concerned.
None of Barclays Bank PLC, J.P. Morgan Securities plc and BMO Capital Markets Limited, nor any of their respective affiliates, their respective directors, officers or employees, advisers, agents or any other person accepts any responsibility or liability whatsoever for the contents of, or makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, fairness or completeness of the information presented or contained in this announcement (or whether any information has been omitted from this announcement) or any other information relating to the Company, its subsidiaries and their associated companies, whether written, oral or in a visual or electronic form, and howsoever transmitted or made available or for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this announcement or its contents or otherwise arising in connection therewith. Accordingly, each of Barclays Bank PLC, J.P. Morgan Securities plc and BMO Capital Markets Limited, and their respective affiliates, their respective directors, officers or employees, and any other person acting on their behalf expressly disclaims, to the fullest extent possible, any and all liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from, or in reliance upon, the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement, whether in tort, contract or otherwise which they might otherwise have in respect of this announcement or its contents or otherwise arising in connection therewith.
Each of Barclays Bank PLC, J.P. Morgan Securities plc and BMO Capital Markets Limited is acting exclusively for the Company and no-one else in connection with the possible Offer. They will not regard any other person as their respective clients in relation to the possible Offer and will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to their respective clients, nor for providing advice in relation to the possible Offer, the contents of this announcement or any transaction, arrangement or other matter referred to herein.
Each of Barclays Bank PLC and J.P. Morgan Securities plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (“PRA”) and regulated by the PRA and the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”) in the United Kingdom. BMO Capital Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”) in the United Kingdom.